by W3bD£v1l » Jun 18, 2001 @ 5:54pm
Right: a few things:<br><br>1. Chuck, ur killing us with that signature, to be honest, flash 5 animations DO use less sytem resources than a hi-FPS AnGIF image... (most animated GIF programs have an SWF output option)<br><br>2. What the h e l l is UBB?<br><br>3. i have an ISDN 64K connection. Thanks to BT only a few hundered people in this country have ADSL, a few more have DSL, and a few more have Cable, and the majority stick with their 56K modems that really work at 38K due to interference regulations. and i suppose i'm in the minority as, well if you can find a decent ISP that supports Dual-Channel ISDN tell me.<br><br>DIE BT DIE