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PocketHAL/PocketFrog Orientation

PostPosted: Oct 20, 2006 @ 9:30am
by EvilMaio

PostPosted: Oct 21, 2006 @ 1:43am
by fast_rx
Yes, m_config.orientation is independent of wm2003's mode. Should be the same for wm5.

PostPosted: Oct 21, 2006 @ 7:22pm
by EvilMaio
Thanks for your answer ;)

So can you also confirm that pocketfrog internal remapping routines (for dpad arrows and stylus) cant't work when pocketpc is in landscape mode because they always assume that device is in standard portrait mode?

I noticed that when i start a pocketfrog portrait application in a landscape pocketpc, stylus are wrong mapped.
I'm using last pocketfrog 0.8.1 with last pockethal 0.7.7b (or 0.7.7c can't remember :D)

PostPosted: Oct 21, 2006 @ 11:03pm
by fast_rx
I checked again, with stylus and buttons...

Image is portrait, stylus is portrait and correct, but buttons are rotated (incorrect).

Seems different from what you say. I may have modified PFrog at some point. Don't remember at the moment - I'll have to look at the code when I get a chance.

PostPosted: Oct 21, 2006 @ 11:59pm
by EvilMaio
Please let me know something when you have some time to check that,
i'm going to kill my brain in order to make it work with all screen rotations :evil:

PostPosted: Oct 22, 2006 @ 12:01pm
by EvilMaio

PostPosted: Oct 22, 2006 @ 4:07pm
by fast_rx

PostPosted: Oct 22, 2006 @ 4:28pm
by EvilMaio

PostPosted: Oct 22, 2006 @ 6:51pm
by fast_rx
Maybe it's the device you're using? Or the version I've got?

I'm using PHal 0.7.7c (I think) with an axim X30.

Seems to me that it would be a function of PHal to give you the buttons correctly... via the
PHAL::GetKeyList( &m_keys, m_config.orientation )

Just to make sure we're clear:
*your programs correctly handle the buttons but not the stylus.
*My programs are correct with stylus but not buttons.

Should I post a checkout program to see if it's the same on your device?

PostPosted: Oct 22, 2006 @ 7:00pm
by EvilMaio
Yes please if you post a test program, this would be great!

This was the situation before i modified pocketfrog:

Actually, with latest pocketfrog 0.8.1 (no patches) and latest pockethal 0.7.7 the game gives always wrong mapped stylus (and buttons) when pocketpc isn't in portrait default mode.

If i try a demo pockethal application with m_config.orient = normal/90cw/90ccw/180 on a portrait pocketpc, the pocketfrog correctly remap buttons and stylus.

I tried it on my Asus MyPal A636N (this is my first and unique wm5 device at the moment :( )

PostPosted: Oct 22, 2006 @ 11:31pm
by fast_rx
Here's a test program...

Reports the status of dpad and stylus. You can change the PFrog orientation, but it requires a restart...

On my x30, the only issue is the dpad when started in wm2003 portrait mode.

PostPosted: Oct 23, 2006 @ 12:23am
by EvilMaio
Wow! Stylus works well with every pocketpc/pockethal combination with your sample! 8O
I'll implement your patch on my pocketfrog and will recheck all again :cry:

PostPosted: Oct 23, 2006 @ 1:44am
by fast_rx

PostPosted: Oct 23, 2006 @ 8:40am
by EvilMaio

PostPosted: Mar 10, 2007 @ 2:47pm
by hrissan
Just for information, on Fujitsu Siemens PocketLoox 720 the Button Test demo works right for stylus, but does not work right for buttons. Or may be I do not understand how it should work. :)

In landscape, when the "up" button is pressed (which points to the screen), the Button Demo reports "right".

On the other way, It seems logical, because when I hold device in landscape mode, this button points to the right...

So, what the demo should tell us in landscape mode, when the "up" button is pressed? (which points to screen)