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A few questions?

A few questions?

Postby mmtbb » Oct 2, 2004 @ 7:25am

1) Can you create iconed exe files easily?

2) Does PPL support a C syntax like:


myVar += 5

I ask because I used to code in VB and would have to write out:
myVar = myVar+1


myVar = myVar+5

respectively to accomplish the same thing. Once I switched to C#, I have loved this feature.

3) PPL wouldn't be as fast a C#, correct; C# is compiled to native code and not interpretive. Is that right?
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Postby kornalius » Oct 2, 2004 @ 1:12pm


1. PPL can create .exe's. It can certainly create an .exe with a different icon with the right tools. We will have to investigate this later on.

2. Yes PPL supports ++, --, +=, -=, *=, /= on pretty much all types, including strings.

3. PPL is one of the fastest interpreted language around. I tested with a lot of different interpreted languages and they come nowhere the speed of PPL so far. I tested with Ch interpreter and it was very slow compared to PPL. I don't know how C# compiles but it is certainly faster than PPL if it compiles to machine code.

However I tested with VBScript on the PocketPC and PC and PPL blows them away by 5 to 8 times. I still have to test with Visual Basic.
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