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COpying a part of the screen

PostPosted: Jul 24, 2006 @ 11:54pm
by alucardo
I'm trying to copy a part of the screen in order to be able to reinitialize graphics.
I'm using using the following piece of code:

following lines for copying the part of the screen I want to use:
case_vide = new E2DSurface; display->CreateSurface(case_vide,TAILLE_CASE,TAILLE_CASE); case_vide->BltFast(pos.x,pos.y,&display->buffer,r);

And this one to reinit the graphics

I'm using the same method for copying the whole screen and it works but it doesn't work at all for just a part of the screen. If someone sees what's going wrong, thank you:)

PostPosted: Jul 25, 2006 @ 5:18pm
by edge
Hi Alucardo,

Do you get an error code after calling BltFast (the one that doesn't work)?

PostPosted: Sep 1, 2006 @ 12:15pm
by alucardo