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GledPlay b265 Released

PostPosted: Dec 22, 2006 @ 3:09am
by Sergio
In this release we are adding support for dinamically change Panels, a Device class, a Display class, and everything you need to implement your custom game loop class.

What's new on this version?
NEW FEATURE: Panel can be resized and moved after creation.
NEW FEATURE: Animation class can now load images with a matrix layout, without customization.
NEW FEATURE: new SoundSystem class, for independant audio initialization and master volume control.
NEW FEATURE: new Display class, a back buffer abstraction. With this, you can now create your own implementation of the Application class.
NEW FEATURE: We added a Device class for retrieving the display, the sound system, the platform, and working with relative paths
NEW FEATURE: Now the onInit method receives a panel as parameter. You can use this to set up your initial panel structure.
PERFORMANCE: Theora video performance playback was slightly improved.
FIX: Bug on GledSave resolving wrong ../../ path on smarthpone fixed.
FIX: Bug on panels constructor with parent and area
FIX: Bug on drawText method on panel class fixed
FIX: Bug on GledSave resolving wrong ../../ path fixed.
FIX: Bug on panels drawing relative rects fixed.
FIX: Bug on isPointInRect, fixed.

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