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New PocketPC Wolf3D port (plays SOD full and WOLF3D full!)

New PocketPC Wolf3D port (plays SOD full and WOLF3D full!)

Postby CeRiAl » Jul 1, 2004 @ 2:03am

I was disappointed that Dan's wolfenstein port is not able to play wolfenstein full or SOD full.

So I ported my own version (based on linux wolf3d). :D

It runs perfectly for now, but i have a major drawback: no sound. :?

So Dan, if you read this, would you mind giving out your sound sourcecode? that would be so nice, cause then finally a full pocketwolf port could be done! 8)

Another drawback might be that i can only make ARM binaries (i don't use eVC, but GCC with crosscompiler toolkit for pocketpc). but maybe my code could be recycled by Dan to make MIPS binaries. :wink:

ATM there's no on-screen controls, it can only be be played with the d-pad and the hw-buttons (no prob to change this)

I've already successfully ported , so wolf3d would also be nice to be finished.


Postby sponge » Jul 1, 2004 @ 2:16am

CeRiAl: Sounds cool, can you send over a beta here to try out? Would like to grab a couple of screenshots and maybe a video for
holy internets batman.
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PocketPC Wolf3d Port Beta :)

Postby CeRiAl » Jul 1, 2004 @ 1:34pm

Ok, guys,
here's something for you to try out:

the wolfenstein 3d port which plays WOLF3D full :)

Please note that this executable only runs Wolf3D full (.WL6), not SOD (have to make a different .exe).

To play this, just copy the executable along with the wolf3d full datafiles to a directory and start wolf3d.exe.


If your graphics seem garbled, be sure to download this and replace your .wl6 files this these:

And, please post comments :)

PocketPC Wolfenstein 3D Port
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Postby sponge » Jul 1, 2004 @ 6:10pm

holy internets batman.
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Postby CeRiAl » Jul 1, 2004 @ 8:33pm


Postby CeRiAl » Jul 1, 2004 @ 10:49pm


Re: New PocketPC Wolf3D port (plays SOD full and WOLF3D full

Postby Guest » Jul 2, 2004 @ 12:19am


Postby sponge » Jul 2, 2004 @ 1:15am

holy internets batman.
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Postby CeRiAl » Jul 2, 2004 @ 2:51am


Postby sponge » Jul 2, 2004 @ 4:48am

Tried that too, damn PPC is messed up. I'll have to grab Resco and try renaming with that.
holy internets batman.
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Postby CeRiAl » Jul 2, 2004 @ 9:52pm


Postby Caesar » Jul 3, 2004 @ 4:17am

Organic Superlube? Oh, it's great stuff, great stuff. You really have to keep an eye on it, though--it'll try and slide away from you the first chance it gets.
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Postby CeRiAl » Jul 3, 2004 @ 6:49pm


Postby Caesar » Jul 3, 2004 @ 8:01pm

Organic Superlube? Oh, it's great stuff, great stuff. You really have to keep an eye on it, though--it'll try and slide away from you the first chance it gets.
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Postby NYIllustrator » Jul 4, 2004 @ 6:05am


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