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Speed Ideas

Speed Ideas

Postby Moose or Chuck » Feb 23, 2001 @ 5:35pm

I have the .001 build of Quake of Casios and it works great. Better than I expected, around 4 FPS when corridor crawling. But I have a few ideas to speed things up. I don't know any technical or detailed plans like Jacco has, but maybe the community can fling out ideas that Dan/Jacco haven't thought of yet. I believe that a very good HSR would be best. I would remove more than just hidden surfaces though. Even if you can see clear across the water to the door, why not remove that surface if it's so many units away. This would speed things up, but may take away from gameplay. I don't htink that particles or filters will change the FPS too much. Any other ideas?
Moose or Chuck

Re: Speed Ideas

Postby Dr. Phat » Feb 24, 2001 @ 12:11am

you could make the textures n the wall less detailed- it would run fine if the lights DIDN'T flicker.  (It gives me a headache!)  But I can't think of much else.  Remove stuff that the player isn't looking at, kinda a load on command type thing.
Mike Greene
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Re: Speed Ideas

Postby Dan East » Feb 24, 2001 @ 9:18am

The textures (and even texture animations) require very little processing time compared to the work to layout and render the 3D world. I've tried removing all textures completely and only a token increase in FPS resulted. Notice if you stand against a wall and look directly at it (regardless of the detail or animation) you will get a very high FPS. Try doing a TIMEREFRESH looking straight down at the ground. I get 20 fps on the iPaq. So surface texturing is very efficient (and doesn't require floating point math).<br><br>Dan East
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Re: Speed Ideas

Postby killzat - Mark » Feb 24, 2001 @ 11:04am

Honestly =), HSR (Hidden Surface Removal) may work on the top brand graphics cards like Radeon's, Voodoo5/6's and GeForce2's, but they do not work on a simple 206Mhz iPAQ or Casio for that matter =). The technologies are NOT the same.<br><br>TAKE NOTE:<br>PowerVR are making a mobile 3D Processor designed to work with the next Intel StrongArm CPU – we could very well see some impressive stuff for 2002!
killzat - Mark

Re: Speed Ideas

Postby Moose or Chuck » Feb 24, 2001 @ 11:04am

Would removing the weapon help any? I know there's some console command to take the weapon away but forgot what it was.<br>Anything else I think of would just be something like reworking the levels. oh well<br>Note: I now have .004 and there's only a .3 FPS increase. (Does that correlate to the .003 increase in version number? didn't think so)Last modification: Moose Master - 02/24/01 at 08:04:47
Moose or Chuck

Re: Speed Ideas

Postby Moose or Chuck » Feb 24, 2001 @ 11:11am

Every 3D software program has HSR built in. If Dan were to increase the amount of HS's that were R'ed then it WOULD increase the framerate, because the device would have less 3D world to render, whether the rendering is done by Fixed or Floating, it would help a lot. Maybe HSRing to the point where you can't see the portals in the Introduction level. I'm pretty sure that would help some. Although gameplay and the novelty value would go down sharply.<br><br>Also, a switchable mode that would create a FULL BRIGHT mode in which lightmaps would not be rendered. I know that lightmaps slow things down, because Q3A on my 500MHz runs noticeably faster with lightmaps turned off. (Hey, that was a good idea!) :)Last modification: Moose Master - 02/24/01 at 08:11:22
Moose or Chuck

Re: Speed Ideas

Postby Dan East » Feb 24, 2001 @ 11:14am

This is Jacco's area - he's the 3d expert. :) Quake has a variable to turn on full bright: r_fullbright. Try setting it to 1 in the autoexec.cfg and see what happens...<br><br>Dan East
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Re: Speed Ideas

Postby Moose or Chuck » Feb 24, 2001 @ 11:27am

YES, THAT's the command i was looking for. I'll be back in a sec with a new TIMEREFRESH rate.
Moose or Chuck

Re: Speed Ideas

Postby Moose or Chuck » Feb 24, 2001 @ 11:36am

Alright, that command makes the game look really bad in such a low resolution, but still fun to play. Just no moody atmosphere. The new time refresh rate on .004 with r_fullbright set to 1 is... tada:<br>identical. 1.8FPS<br>That's with 8.5 and 15.4 Storage and Program Memory, for reference.
Moose or Chuck

Re: Speed Ideas

Postby Moose or Chuck » Feb 24, 2001 @ 7:37pm

Hey, how about scanline interleaving? That way only half the pixels would be drawn. Or instead, you could make it 3/4 of the pixels being drawn, that would be the best for looks and speed. It should be an option atleast, for slower SH3 devices atleast.
Moose or Chuck

Re: Speed Ideas

Postby killzat - Mark » Feb 25, 2001 @ 5:37am

The scanline method might work for Casio's, but on the iPAQ you'd have problems since the screen is already pretty degraded and looks 'scanline/pixated' as it is. So introducing that would speed it up, but make it diffecult to play/see.<br><br>I tried it with my own 3D engine (now using FPM =]) and found it didn't look as bad as I thought, but wasn't worth the tiny speed increase. Quake could be differen't, you never know until you try.<br><br>At present I've gathered all the Quake tweaks and command lines and am doing some testing. So far I've got some improvement without loosing too much direct image quality. More soon..
killzat - Mark

Re: Speed Ideas

Postby Moose or Chuck » Feb 25, 2001 @ 7:11pm

Here's another good idea. How about setting a max polygon limit. Setting this would just gray out any polygons that were rendered LAST. This would be very helpful. Carpediem, I'm not too sure I like you're latest speed increase thing, in .0041. The way you remove the polygon if it's only Half visible or whatever you did. And Carp. Leave a gray or blueish texture in place of the sky, I don't like that leaked look it has now. Good ideas though.
Moose or Chuck

Re: Speed Ideas

Postby Dan East » Feb 25, 2001 @ 7:35pm

Moose: try experimenting with the following variables:<br><br>r_drawflat<br>r_waterwarp<br>r_drawentities<br>r_drawviewmodel<br>r_maxsurfs<br>r_numsurfs<br>r_maxedges<br>r_numedges<br><br>  I have a hunch that some of the modifications Carpediem has performed to the source can be duplicated through simple variable settings.<br><br>Dan East
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Re: Speed Ideas

Postby Moose or Chuck » Feb 25, 2001 @ 7:49pm

Thanks a lot, Dan. I'll be right back with some results.
Moose or Chuck

Re: Speed Ideas

Postby Fuchal » Feb 25, 2001 @ 7:57pm

How about a view distance slider?


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