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Compaq's Itsy

Compaq's Itsy

Postby Moose or Chuck » Apr 7, 2001 @ 1:40pm

Moose or Chuck

Re: Compaq's Itsy

Postby Moose or Chuck » Apr 7, 2001 @ 8:46pm

It's a conceptual product, not meant to be sold, or even used. Its purpose is to promote the integration of an onboard camera into future devices and demonstrate innovative ways of performing that goal.
Moose or Chuck

Re: Compaq's Itsy

Postby Moose or Chuck » Apr 8, 2001 @ 12:02am

i know, but blah, it just looks like a really wierd digital camerea. And i'm not sure if i want all these things put on my Pocket Pc yes cell phone would be nice, yes faster is good, more ram. But when you start adding novilty items like a camera and a voicerecorder (which is already on mine, but i never use it) it is going to get too expensive.  If they sold that camera built in on any of the ppc's out today, it would sell in the upwards of the 700's or more. I don't really see a point in that. If you want a camera get the casio cF camera. its 149 bux.
Moose or Chuck

Re: Compaq's Itsy

Postby Moose or Chuck » Apr 8, 2001 @ 4:46am

The voice recorder on your current device is as small as one of the vent holes for the speaker. That's why they will eventually do with a camera.
Moose or Chuck

Re: Compaq's Itsy

Postby Jaybot » Apr 8, 2001 @ 6:29am

Yeah, the idea behind a PPC being so cool is that it has multiple functions that appeal to a wide variety of audiences.  YOU may not use your voice recorder, but I use it all the time, being a composer, it is essential to have something to record around when you get an idea in your head, and those microrcorders suck and are so limited.... I also know many other people that use it for voice memos constantly, so they don't have to buy a seperate micro recorder, when they already have a 500+ machine to do their other business stuff (or gaming stuff :)) on. So eventually, when a camera is cheap enough to throw on a PPC at little extra cost, then yeah, I wont mind having it, if it's hidden or something.  Kinda like the 56k built in modem on the Palmax, that's very cool :D .
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Re: Compaq's Itsy

Postby Moose or Chuck » Apr 11, 2001 @ 8:42am

ya, i used to have a Sharp pda that had a built in 56k modem. It was cool but that pda sucked so :/. but ya i do like some things included but soon these ppl are so crazy there gonna like include ur fone a tv a washing machine your car, all in one :)
Moose or Chuck

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