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Casio EM500 info?

Casio EM500 info?

Postby Lee » Apr 10, 2001 @ 12:28am

Hi,<br>I'm thinking of buying an em500, from ebay most probably, the price will be around $300 I think.<br>I've got a couple of questions I hope someone could answer.<br>- Is the em500 a 'current' model, will it run all the latest ce software<br>- How do I connect it to the internet, do i need a pc Card modem?<br><br>Thanks,<br>Lee

Re: Casio EM500 info?

Postby Jaybot » Apr 10, 2001 @ 2:21am

Yes it's a current model, and will run all the current software, but it's possible it will be outdated by this upcoming fall/winter season when the next-gen PPCs are available.<br><br>You can connect to the internet using the serial modems made by casio or pegasus found somewhere on (I recommend the Casio one) or if you get a serial cradle option you could use that with a null modem adapter and an external serial modem if you already have one, but that's a lot of wires.
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Re: Casio EM500 info?

Postby Moose or Chuck » Apr 10, 2001 @ 3:30am

The EM500 only has 16MB of RAM and a useless MMC slot. Get the E-125 if you want a Casio PPC.
Moose or Chuck

Re: Casio EM500 info?

Postby Jaybot » Apr 10, 2001 @ 1:00pm

Wow, that's kinda harsh! :) It's a lot cheaper than the E-125 though, and smaller, and you CAN learn to use 16MB RAM, I had to back with my E-100, hell I had to deal with 8MB RAM with my old HP Palmtop 200LX (wince 2.0).... the EM-500 isn't that bad, and it looks badass, and that's important too! :D
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Re: Casio EM500 info?

Postby Moose or Chuck » Apr 11, 2001 @ 2:43am

The MMC slot can not be used for modems or anything like that without an adaptor. The price difference is only $50 MSRP, and the E-125 is much better in most, if not all, areas.
Moose or Chuck

Re: Casio EM500 info?

Postby Jaybot » Apr 11, 2001 @ 5:12am

It's not as small :)<br>You can use a serial modem which is better anyway, it uses less battery power, and if you're going wireless with a cellphone you don't even need a modem, just a 29 dollar cable and the phone, I never use my CF modem anymore. MSRP doesn't mean anything, you can still find the EM500 for a lot less than 50 bucks off an E-125.
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Re: Casio EM500 info?

Postby Moose or Chuck » Apr 11, 2001 @ 7:44am

Not from a retail store, and if you're going from an auction I'm sure someone has gotten one for under a hundred. If you use a cellphone to connect why not just use the Infra-Red port which I do with my E-125 all the time. Trust me, the EM500 is not better than an E-125. If you have the money to spend on a pocketpc get either an iPaq or E-125.
Moose or Chuck

Re: Casio EM500 info?

Postby Jaybot » Apr 11, 2001 @ 3:55pm

well, fuck I know that moose, I have an E-125 for all those reasons.  Connecting to a cellphone voa infared sucks, i used to do it with my nokia, and it would disconnect all the time, and you definitely can't walk around doing it like you can with a tiny cable, you have to have it completely stable on a table for that to work... and it was so buggy. reliability and mobility over this is cool infrared no wires anytime. :)
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