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IPAQ Has only one sound chanel!!!

PostPosted: Mar 15, 2001 @ 8:42am
by Israel
HEllo;<br>I was disscussing in this forum about listening a mp3 in a ipaq and hearing the advisment of a task in the same time... well here it is the answer from COMPAQ technical service<br><br><br>Estimado cliente, <br><br>Hemos efectuado la prueba de la que hablamos y no se activa el sonido de la<br>alarma en ningun momento cuando se estan escuchando mp3, solo una luz de<br>alarma pero no sonido. <br><br>Saludos <br><br>So....

Re: IPAQ Has only one sound chanel!!!

PostPosted: Mar 27, 2001 @ 4:52pm
by Dr. Phat
what the hell does that mean?

Re: IPAQ Has only one sound chanel!!!

PostPosted: Mar 27, 2001 @ 5:04pm
by Tim_Reeves's Translation:<br>Dear client, We have carried out the test of which we spoke and moment does not activate the sound of the alarm in ningun when they are estan listening to mp3, single an alarm light but nonsound. Greetings Under... <br><br>It somewhat makes sense. Next time ask them in ENGRISH!<br><br>BTW All PDAs have only 1 channel. If you were expecting 5.1 channel surround sound, look elsewhere8)

Re: IPAQ Has only one sound chanel!!!

PostPosted: Mar 27, 2001 @ 5:25pm
by Moose or Chuck
My Casio has two, left and right stereo. But most MP3's are left and right stereo, prolly clogging the path. Since you mentioned 5.1 audio incorrectly, I thought I'd come swinging with some incorrect stereo facts.

Re: IPAQ Has only one sound chanel!!!

PostPosted: Mar 28, 2001 @ 6:42pm
by Dr. Phat
but Moose, i think they are talking about the ability to blend two sounds at once, not mono/stereo

Re: IPAQ Has only one sound chanel!!!

PostPosted: Mar 29, 2001 @ 8:32pm
by Dr. Phat
sorry, i underestimated your jesting ability

Re: IPAQ Has only one sound chanel!!!

PostPosted: Mar 29, 2001 @ 8:32pm
by Moose or Chuck
I know, that's why I put that thing about incorrectly stating things about stereo because of randal's post about 5.1 audio. I was jesting.Last modification: Dr. Phat - 03/29/01 at 17:32:47

Re: IPAQ Has only one sound chanel!!!

PostPosted: Mar 29, 2001 @ 9:35pm
by Moose or Chuck
Uhm, why did you modify my message?

Re: IPAQ Has only one sound chanel!!!

PostPosted: Mar 30, 2001 @ 6:25pm
by Tim_Reeves
Phat, you have a real problem abusing your moderator status, now dont you?<br><br>Remember...*Poof* Happens;)

Re: IPAQ Has only one sound chanel!!!

PostPosted: Apr 7, 2001 @ 12:54am
by Israel
So, now Moose Master, you are agree with me, one chanel of stereo a the same thing two of mono, the right one and the left one. And I still remember that one person of this forum tells "no! if I a listening a Mp3 with my ipaq, I can listen another sounds too!" well my darling, you are wrong, and it could be the version of my ipa 3630, but in spain, the ipaqs, has only one sound chanel in stereo. Now I can remember your nick, but i hope that you accept that you were wrong(recules)

Re: IPAQ Has only one sound chanel!!!

PostPosted: Apr 7, 2001 @ 2:07am
by Moose or Chuck
Whatever you say. I don't have an iPaq so I wouldn't know.

Re: IPAQ Has only one sound chanel!!!

PostPosted: Apr 7, 2001 @ 4:47am
by Warren
Hey Israel, are you from Israel? I used to live in Jerusalem. Yeah!

Re: IPAQ Has only one sound chanel!!!

PostPosted: Apr 7, 2001 @ 6:08am
by Jaybot
I listen to Useless I.D., they're a cool punk band from Israel.... but I don't live there and I've never eaten falafel. :)

Re: IPAQ Has only one sound chanel!!!

PostPosted: Apr 9, 2001 @ 3:15am
by Israel
No, israel is my real Name, I am from Spain, but it does not really matters. Another question for you, it is normal that the transfer of an mp3 of 4MB from PC to Ipaq, via COM1 costs 4minutes?

Re: IPAQ Has only one sound chanel!!!

PostPosted: Apr 9, 2001 @ 8:32am
by Jaybot
Wow, you can do it in 4 minutes?  that's pretty fast!  Yes, that's about normal, even though it's a usb connection and could be done in about 30 seconds Max, there's a bottleneck somewhere (I'm guessing with activesync), and it still goes about the same speed as a serial connection :(