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Using a PDA to transfer images of my digital cam

Using a PDA to transfer images of my digital cam

Postby tias » Apr 8, 2001 @ 1:51am

I have a Fuji-digitalcamera and i want to BackUp the files from it onto preferably a IBM 1GB microdrive. Now the idea i had was to manage to have a PDA (ipaq or such) to either connect the actual Camera through the serialinterface or read the Smartmedia-card through an USB or Serialinterface and then save the images onto a IBM microdrive wich i figure should work directly in the compact flash slot of the iPac (for example.)... <br><br>Please, do anyone have any idea if this actually could work? I'm going on a 2 week vacation in 2 months and i always take ~100 pictures a day.  <br><br>/Tias..

Re: Using a PDA to transfer images of my digital cam

Postby Dan » May 14, 2001 @ 1:28am

You should put the pictures on your desktop PC, and them ActiveSync them to the compact flash card.

Re: Using a PDA to transfer images of my digital cam

Postby Tom61 » May 21, 2001 @ 10:05pm

You could get an Ipaq and a Type III pccard jacket, and get a pcard (pcmcia) smart card reader. Then you could take pictures with the camera, pop the smartmedia in the adapter, then copy the files on it to the microdrive (in a pccard adapter in the second slot).<br><br>You won't be able to get the pictures off the camera directly, unless for some reason the camera manufacturer made winCE drivers for it.<br><br>Note: I haven't tried this, but I think it'd work.  You can get PCMCIA Smartmedia readers on ebay for $20-30

Re: Using a PDA to transfer images of my digital cam

Postby 999 » May 22, 2001 @ 4:35pm

The best way is to use whatever storage medium you camera uses along side your iPAQ. In my case, it's Compact Flash type 1 cards.<br><br>After taking shots, I just swap CFs with the one in my iPAQ, and I'm good to view all the shots I took, as well as being able to edit/delete on the fly.<br><br>Another cool thing, synching the images off my iPAQ is about 2x faster than the default camera>>PC solution.<br><br>
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