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PocketList for Pocket PC - save 30%

PostPosted: Jun 27, 2008 @ 12:50am
by hedge
PocketList for Pocket PC - save 30% from


* Intuitive interface and easy to use. One click to add a new task.
* Multiple view options including icons, list and details.
* Filter list based on category, due date, reminder, notes, complete status and priority status etc.
* Sort list based on creation date and category.
* Can easily prioritize a task with a simple click to "flag" the item. Can easily set a task "complete"
by check it.
* Can easily set a reminder to a task. Full integration with Microsoft Office.
* Import Tasks from Microsoft Outlook.
* Export Tasks to Microsoft Outlook.
* Export Tasks to Microsoft Word.
* Export Tasks to Microsoft Excel.
* Export Tasks to Internet Explorer as a Web page.
* List background color customizable.
* Option to view simplified view or detailed view.
* Wizard driven import/export guide.