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Audio Designer available for anything.

PostPosted: Dec 14, 2001 @ 2:22pm
by Jaybot
Hey, audio designer, that sounds nice, doesn't it?<br><br>Seeing as nobody posts here, or even visits here, I thought I'd liven it up a bit.<br><br>I've done music and sound effects for several ppc games, including , , , , as well as a few other games (which are not public yet).<br><br>More info here: <br><br>And since I just finished my BA in Music, I'll have plenty of time on my hands to develop for multiple games.  I'll do anything from mod music (xm, it, s3m, mod) files to looped wavs to sfx editing, voice recordings, to whatever you want.  I'll be your musical monkey :)<br><br>Just drop me an email at with questions, answers or requests.<br><br>Thanks!<br><br>Last modification: Jaybot - 12/14/01 at 11:22:22

Re: Audio Designer available for anything.

PostPosted: Dec 14, 2001 @ 4:06pm
by Dan East
"I just finished my BA in Music" <br><br>Congratulations! Does that mean you charge more now? ;)<br><br>Dan East

Re: Audio Designer available for anything.

PostPosted: Dec 14, 2001 @ 4:08pm
by Paul
what exactly did you learn in your music degree?

Re: Audio Designer available for anything.

PostPosted: Dec 14, 2001 @ 10:48pm
by Jaybot
A better question is what didn't I learn in my music degree ;)<br><br>Music history from ancient greece through the 20th century, 16-20th C. music theory and composition, acoustics, music literature throughout the ages, form and analysis, baroque and contemporary counterpoint, performing ensembles in chamber groups and large ensemles, and private instruction on several instruments; just to name a few things :)<br><br>Dan, you bet ;)

Re: Audio Designer available for anything.

PostPosted: Dec 16, 2001 @ 5:26am
by Jaybot
In fact, I was just having this conversation with randall about the origin of solmization, or solfege, syllables.<br><br>Believe it or not, do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, and do, did not originat from the Sound of Music.<br><br>It actually derived from a latin hymn, dating aronud 800 AD (or CE for you politically correct peeps).  The syllables were actually, ut, re, mi, fa, sol, and la.  The 11th C monk, Guido of Arezzo (who was quite the music theorist for his time) added music to these stressed syllables to help singers remember that patterns of whole tones and semi tones (this is pre-17th century, before there was any major or minoy 'keys' and before the renaissance modes, for all you 'musically knowledged' peeps ;) ) in the six steps that existed in the church modes of the time.<br><br>for you latin folks, here is the original hymn, Ut queant laxis:<br>'Ut' queant laxis 'Re'-sonare fibris 'Mi'-ra gestorum 'fa'-muli tuorum, 'Sol'-ve poluti 'La'-bii reatum, Sancte Joannes.'<br><br>roughly translates to, "That thy servants may freely sing forth the wonders of thy deeds, remove all stain of guilt from their unclean lips, O Saint John."<br><br>this system was great because it was a movable 6 note pattern that kept the same semi-tone between mi and fa.  This eventually led to the middle ages hexachord system, and an adequate musical notation system where the clef signs for f, c, and g, were invented, which are still used today.<br><br>yo.<br><br><br>

Re: Audio Designer available for anything.

PostPosted: Dec 16, 2001 @ 8:09am
by Paul
mister surguine, do we have a test on this next week? my dog ate my homework. etc.

Re: Audio Designer available for anything.

PostPosted: Dec 16, 2001 @ 8:43am
by randall
Audio Designer has a nice ring to it.<br><br>New Bug?<br><br><br><br>Last modification: randall - 12/16/01 at 05:43:10

Re: Audio Designer available for anything.

PostPosted: Dec 16, 2001 @ 8:45am
by Jaybot
good thing i didnt reply to that stripper request ;)

Re: Audio Designer available for anything.

PostPosted: Dec 16, 2001 @ 9:14pm
by randall
lol. I deleted it before I got banned for life.

Re: Audio Designer available for anything.

PostPosted: Dec 16, 2001 @ 9:54pm
by Chris Edwards
*evil admin enters the room*<br><br>You're lucky we don't have a log of what you posted... Otherwise you would've been "banned for life".<br><br>*evil admin leaves*

Re: Audio Designer available for anything.

PostPosted: Dec 16, 2001 @ 10:28pm
by Matt Keys
*evil admin enters*<br><br>that's right! this isnt good cop bad cop, we will both ban your ass.<br><br>*evil admin leaves*

Re: Audio Designer available for anything.

PostPosted: Dec 16, 2001 @ 10:50pm
by randall

Re: Audio Designer available for anything.

PostPosted: Dec 20, 2001 @ 2:59pm
by Jaybot
Besides that stripper request shouldve been posted in the job seekers forum :)

Re: Audio Designer available for anything.

PostPosted: Jan 3, 2002 @ 6:23pm
by NYIllustrator
Dont make the admins get medieval on your ass... Hey Im graduating in about 4 months too with a BFA in Illustration..ummm *looks around room for that McDonalds application*

Re: Audio Designer available for anything.

PostPosted: Jan 5, 2002 @ 5:45am
by Jaybot
lol, too true, too damn true.