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PostPosted: Sep 21, 2006 @ 6:50pm
by Bapdude

PostPosted: Sep 21, 2006 @ 6:52pm
by Kzinti

PostPosted: Sep 21, 2006 @ 7:48pm
by Bapdude

PostPosted: Sep 22, 2006 @ 12:30am
by Kzinti

PostPosted: Sep 22, 2006 @ 6:12am
by Bapdude
Success!!! After hours of debugging, I found that I had an old copy of the PocketHAL_ARM.lib file in my library path. So, although I was copying the new version of PocketHAL into my project space, the build was grabbing the old one. Wouldn't you know it would be something simple. :oops:

So, if I were to summarize my changes to get PocketFrog to work with the Motorola Q, it would be the following:

- Remove m_config.orientation = ORIENTATION_ROTATE90CCW from constructor
- Add "HI_RES_AWARE" flag resource to project
- Link in new PocketHAL_0_7_7e library files

The only remaining issue I'm having with the Motorola Q is with Hekkus. The game music doesn't start consistently as it does on other PPC devices. For example, occasionally, I'll start the game and Hekkus won't start the game music. While running, if I connect (or disconnect) the Motorola Q (to/from) the USB port, the music will start playing. Other times, I can start the game and the music plays fine. I've never seen this behavior before on other devices.

Oh, before I forget, here's a picture showing PocketFrog/HAL running on Motorola Q in native 320x240 landscape:


PostPosted: Sep 22, 2006 @ 9:45am
by Kzinti

PostPosted: Sep 22, 2006 @ 9:00pm
by Presto
Looks good. Congrats!