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GapiDraw 3.5b Released!

PostPosted: Feb 10, 2005 @ 10:29pm
by Johan
Today Develant Technologies released GapiDraw 3.5b, which fixes a critical issue with the next version of Windows Mobile. GapiDraw 3.5b also includes DLL files for Stationary PCs (both Visual Studio 6 and Visual Studio .NET 2003 DLL files are included).

We have also released updated versions of GapiDraw 1.04 and GapiDraw 2.01, so if you have ANY products using these versions they will not function correctly under the next version of Windows Mobile! If you want the updates for the older versions of GapiDraw 1.04 and 2.01 please contact us and we'll send them to you right away (if you can show us any released game that uses them)!

Here's the release history for GapiDraw 3.5b:

GapiDraw 3.5b [2005-02-10]

SDK Additions

-Win32. Added DLL support for stationary PCs for environments that cannot use the statically linked library (such as the .NET environment). DLL's have been added for Visual Studio 6.0 ("dll\vs6") and Visual Studio .NET 2003 ("dll\vs2003").
-Win32. It's now possible to retrieve the base class for objects in the .NET wrapper:
GAPIDRAW_API CGapiSurface* __stdcall CGapiMaskSurface_GetSurface(CGapiMaskSurface* pMaskSurface);
GAPIDRAW_API CGapiSurface* __stdcall CGapiDisplay_GetSurface(CGapiDisplay* pDisplay);
GAPIDRAW_API CGapiSurface* __stdcall CGapiBitmapFont_GetSurface(CGapiBitmapFont* pBitmapFont);
GAPIDRAW_API CGapiRGBASurface* __stdcall CGapiCursor_GetRGBASurface(CGapiCursor* pCursor);
-Win32. Added an easy way to free the memory allocated by a CGapiRGBASurface
GAPIDRAW_API HRESULT __stdcall CGapiRGBASurface_FreeSurface(CGapiRGBASurface* pSurface);
-Win32. Added two new function calls to CGapiDisplay to get the DirectDraw interface and primary surface: CGapiDisplay::GetDirectDrawInterface() and CGapiDisplay::GetDirectDrawPrimarySurface().

Bug Fixes

-Win32. Fixed all EVC3 samples so that they now do not try to open the display in HI_RES_AWARE mode (VGA resolution) on Windows Mobile 2003 SE devices.
-Win32. The following functions were not exported correctly through the .NET wrapper:
GAPIDRAW_API HRESULT __stdcall CGapiRGBASurface_CreateSurfaceFromVFS(CGapiRGBASurface* pSurface, DWORD dwFlags, CGapiVFS* pVFS, const _TCHAR* pImageFile);
GAPIDRAW_API HRESULT __stdcall CGapiRGBASurface_CreateSurfaceFromVFSFile(CGapiRGBASurface* pSurface, DWORD dwFlags, CGapiFileStream* pGapiFileStream);
-Win32. Fixed an issue with the upcoming "Next Version of Windows Mobile" related to the use of Imgdecmp.dll.

GapiDraw 3.5b can be downloaded at

PostPosted: Feb 11, 2005 @ 7:19am
by dan.p

PostPosted: Feb 11, 2005 @ 2:45pm
by Johan

PostPosted: Feb 11, 2005 @ 5:05pm
by dan.p

PostPosted: Feb 20, 2005 @ 2:09am
by AbrahamJ

PostPosted: Feb 21, 2005 @ 8:33am
by Johan