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When will GapiDraw work with Palm Developer Suite?

PostPosted: Apr 15, 2005 @ 3:11pm
by Guest
Just downloaded the evaluation SDK, played with the demos, got all excited....

...then read the readme and realised I can't use it with PDS :(

I really don't want to use CodeWarrior - a) I have to part with money for an out-of-date product b) I've had the misfortune to use CW in the past....

Many thanks,


PostPosted: Apr 18, 2005 @ 7:41am
by Johan
Palm Developer Suite uses GCC, with all its limitations. One such limitation is a 64kb code jump limit, which makes it impossible to even compile GapiDraw for that environment.

In my opinion, the Palm Developer Suite MIGHT be useful once they release any 6.1 devices. But we have been waiting for those devices for all too long now.

PostPosted: Apr 18, 2005 @ 9:04am
by Guest
Is it possible to call Gapi from a PNO/armlet?

I'd spend time investigating this myself, only I've already wasted a week discovering Palm's shortcomings and I'm looking for a quick solution, hence GapiDraw....

I can't believe Palm released a devkit that doesn't let you build proper applications :(

Thanks for your help :)