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[b]Level 15Unbeatable?![/b]

[b]Level 15Unbeatable?![/b]

Postby Ed » May 20, 2002 @ 8:18am

Can anyone help me beat the last level of the original mission pack? This is the only level where you cant fool the enemy into firing across a strategic location and temporarily misleading enemy forces into sending more troops to the same area.[/b]

I hope I remember the right level for you...

Postby thx2238 » Jun 6, 2002 @ 6:54pm

I also hope you still need the info. If I remember, that board had water in the southwest corner, your base to the north of the lake, and the enemy base to the south? If so, how I beat it was by land at first...taking the island and protecting my base and resources was too difficult. I immediately took the resources to the N, NE and E, and believe it or not then immediately to the E of the enemy base by killing the defenses and then hiding behind the resource point, where the enemy couldn't hit me. I always use light tanks...the others are just too slow. leave two or three tanks at the ne resource point, and defend the lake and E resource point with a building force of tanks. after you've done this, you can take the island resource point and then finally the southern base...just make sure to wait until you have a VERY large force of tanks, as it is well defended. but the key for me was taking the SE resource point, taking advantage of the enemy stopping and firing but not taking the time to skirt around it for a clear shot.

If that's not the one you meant..describ the board. I had to reinstall to get forest fire to work, so I don't have access to the higher levels anymore until I play through again.

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