There are points to be made for boths sides - yes, the user is responsible for the hard reset and getting a new key and yes, Dan is responsible for making the application that he sells more user friendly.
I have owned it for some time now and have asked for keys 4-5 times. I have given up. My EM-500 backup battery goes dead and I must re-install. I don't necessarily have the ability to get to a computer to get a new key for some time as I have the app on my ram card (mm). I have actaully stopped using the application cause it's too much of a pain for me.
I would like to see a registration system - of keys generated by Dan, that relies on a lot of personal information (Name, Email, phone number) rather than the alternative.
The other option is for Dan to make an installer with this personal information hard coded and therefore if they hand it out, he knows where it came from.
Just had to put my 2 cents in on this one.
(not the email that I registered under