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Morphgear Woes...

PostPosted: Jun 30, 2005 @ 7:07pm
by da1writer
As I mentioned here on PocketGamer-
"It seems our hopes at going open-source have been for nothing. After no activity for some time now, Aaron has concluded that if no other dedicated programmers and developers jump on to do some projects, Morphgear and it's home site will be shutting down possibly next year."

and our forum site as well: ... post#M8403

Morphgear now has a huge probability of shutting next year. We have lots of things that still needs to be done, and a long list below of what they are. It may seem that we are now being desperate but I don't want to see this great program go down the drain. I think others can agree with me. If anyone wants to do any of the projects in the list below or are having any problems doing so, plz email any of the Morphgear project administrators/moderators and we will enthusiastically help you out ;). So without delay, here's the list:

1.Upgrade the Snes core
(Currently it's 1.43 WIP, we want to upgrade it to the 1.43 Final, here's a link-
2.Throw out the Genesis Module fully and replace it with a better one
(Currently we use Generator but everyone so far says that it sucks and I agree, so here's a link to a better genesis emu that I wish could be ported by someone to Morphgear-
This emu not only play Megadrive games, but 32x and Sega CD games as well!)
3.Upgrade the Current Turbografx-16 core
(Current one- Hugo 2.00, is highly outdated and has some compatibility problems, ie Military Madness. The recently released 2.12 will fix alot of issues with the current version-
4.It would be cool to have a Neo Geo Pocket Emu... I know pocket pc has one but it's too buggy and has no sound-
Here's a link to one that I highly like-
5.On screen, Invisible landscape Virtual Pad, somewhat like FpseCE...
6.A wonderswan Emu might be interesting- ... oswan.html
7.and Final a MSX emu would top it all off...-

So are we finished with Morphgear... no. Do we have the programmers/developers to finish off this list... no. That's why we are now trying to reach out to the community so we can. Hopefully if more people jump on the Spicypixel(Morphgear) Team,
Morphgear will never die but flourish into the dream that we can all have... the perfect multi- Emu ;)!

PostPosted: Jun 30, 2005 @ 10:41pm
by David Horn
Have you guys thought about putting it on SourceForge? There's quite a lot of Pocket PC stuff there.