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3D Scenes

PostPosted: Apr 10, 2007 @ 8:23pm
by gilad_no

Edge supports 3D objects/animation, which is great, but is there also support for 3D scenes? Suppose I want to do a DOOM like game, is there a 3D engine (maybe with a level editor?) that can work easily with Edge?

Do I have to write an engine from scratch?

PostPosted: Apr 11, 2007 @ 10:49am
by edge


PostPosted: Apr 16, 2007 @ 8:54pm
by gilad_no
Milkshape is mainly for objects, rather than creating scenes (rooms/levels). I'm looking for a 3d engine to be able to handle full scenes (walls, objects, tiles, ...), based on EdgeLib.

PostPosted: Apr 17, 2007 @ 3:16pm
by edge
Hi Gilad,

At this moment we aren't aware of a tool that's able to create/edit 3D scenes which works with EDGELIB.

As we are looking to improve the 3D features, can you tell us more specifically your thoughts on how this should be implemented?


PostPosted: Apr 19, 2007 @ 10:57pm
by gilad_no
If we take a simple implementation of a 3D game, we have a room and objects.

The room is static. It has walls (with tiles attached), doors, obstacles and so on.

Inside a room, there are objects: Boxes that the player can move, weapons he can pick up, other players, monsters and so on.

So a basic engine should be able to load a package file for a scene (which describe the details about the environment and the tiles to use). In addition, the programmer should be able to put objects inside the virtual space.

Then, inside OnNextFrame, there should probably be a call to render the scene, with details for the camera (position and direction). The engine should take care of everything then (clipping the invisible walls/objects for example).

You can contact me in private for additional details. I'm currently investigating 3D engines for our company, so I got involved in that field.

PostPosted: Apr 20, 2007 @ 2:59pm
by edge
Hi Gilad,

Thanks for your detailed description, it will certainly be useful when we decide to add this feature.

Currently we're focussing to add more low-level support for fast 3D rendering and multiple platforms.

PostPosted: Aug 26, 2007 @ 10:23pm
we're in the same situation; our traditional scenegraphs are X3D and OSG.

perhaps a minimal port of SSG; ?


PostPosted: Aug 27, 2007 @ 1:29pm
by edge
Hi Chris,

We will definitely look into SSG, it would be a good addition to EDGELIB. We will put it on our todo list.