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Graphical User Interface

PostPosted: Aug 28, 2007 @ 1:18pm
by meiline
Hi all!

I'd like to know if it's feasible to integrate graphics using EdgeLib in a GUI for a PDA.

Something like a canvas with Java3D.

Could you help me?

Thanks in advance.

PostPosted: Aug 28, 2007 @ 6:57pm
by edge
Hi Meiline,

Can you tell me more about how you see this? We're unsure what you mean.

If you like to have the standard title bar and bottom menu of Windows Mobile, you're able to do that since EDGELIB 3.10 (the rest of the screen is used by the backbuffer).

If you need to have a GUI class on top of EDGELIB, you need to develop this yourself by creating GUI objects (like buttons, etc.) and encapsulate surfaces to draw them. Currently there are no plans to add such functionality to EDGELIB in the near future.

PostPosted: Aug 29, 2007 @ 9:42am
by meiline

PostPosted: Aug 30, 2007 @ 11:56am
by edge
Hi Meiline,

Please note that you need to implement the GUI event system yourself.

Here may be some tips to implement a GUI system:
- Create a standard control class which may be overridden (use virtual methods)
- The standard control class may contain a text, image, location and size property
- Forward OnButtonDown/Up and OnStylusDown/Up events to the controls and keep input states
- Implement a messaging system to make your application react on GUI events

The above can be compared to how Windows (mobile or desktop) handles it. In Windows every control is a window and can have certain styles (a single border, a 3d border like a button, no border for text-only controls, etc.).