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iPhone - Opening files in simulator and device

iPhone - Opening files in simulator and device

Postby Nacho84 » Feb 17, 2009 @ 4:51am

Hi! I've ported my game to the iPhone and I'm at a point where I can actually play it on the simulator. Nonetheless, when deploying the app into a real device, the game wouldn't work. I ran the app on an iPod touch using the debugger and found out that it's having problems when accessing resource files that are stored inside folders.

I'm attaching a simple project I've made that exemplifies my situation: if I execute it on the simulator I can successfully open the file but, if I execute it on a real device, I get a message that indicates that the file cannot be opened. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Postby Nacho84 » Feb 17, 2009 @ 11:33pm

Hi! I've managed to solve this issue by adding the EFOF_READ flag in the ClassEFile::Open() method along with the EFOF_READONLY flag I was already using.

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Postby edge » Feb 18, 2009 @ 8:30am

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