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Libraries v0.97 available

Libraries v0.97 available

Postby Phantom » May 27, 2002 @ 5:45pm

Hey all,

A new package is ready for you all: Version 0.97 of the Overloaded Game Foundation. No major changes, just an aweful lot of bugfixes; the ini file problem should be gone too. The login screens and credit overview stuff is now in place, as well as the GPRS connection emulation via a regular ini file.

The stuff can be obtained from the download page:
Click the 'downloads' button. :)

- Jacco.
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Postby D » May 27, 2002 @ 11:26pm

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Postby D » May 28, 2002 @ 12:42am

The mesage box says:
"This workspace file is corrupted: it contains more than one project called 'CaveRunner'.
Those extra projects will be removed from the workspace."

anyway, I got my project (Homies) to work correctly again.

sprite->Draw() crashes on me...something to do with the surface(screen)

so I use sprite->Draw(surface)

also, I found out that ini files has to have a 'newline char' at the last line:

<file begin>

<file end>


<file begin>
<file end>

maybe I'm the only one who didn't know that.

Also, about GPRS...which is the whole point of Overloaded games.

I saw the new game design and I'm just wondering how the download new level pack works.

I'd like to have that feature in my project :)
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Postby billcow » May 28, 2002 @ 3:03am

I had the EasyCESample problem too. It doesn't seem to be an issue if you just click cancel.

One problem I did have, though, is that when I click "enter" (either one) on the Login screen, the program crashes. I made a debug build to try and find the problem and it didn't happen. It probably has something to do with uninitialized variables or something like that.
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Postby Phantom » May 28, 2002 @ 2:47pm

OK, there seems to be something very wrong with the workspace. Here's the problem: We use a workspace named 'Overloaded' internally. This workspace includes all games currently under development, the GPRS source code (wich we don't distribute) and some test applications for the GPRS library, all in all we have 12 projects in this workspace.

To build a distribution, I copy this workspace file and open the copy. Then I remove all projects that shouldn't be in the distribution.

Today, I tried a different route: I created a new workspace (empty) and added only the projects that I wanted in it. When I tried this, Visual Studio wouldn't let me create a workspace named 'Overloaded-dist', because of the '-'. Changing to 'Overloaded_dist' resolved the problem.

I'm going to test the new workspace that I just created now, and if all goes well, I'll post a new download with just those changes.

BTW, I also encountered some nasty #define problems: When you add a '#define GPRS_EMULATION' to a header file that gets included by a .cpp file, and the .cpp file uses the #define to exclude / include certain code portions, the compiler does not respond properly to setting / disabling the #define. Some portions will get compiled, others not, resulting in a bad library. Disabling 'automatic use of precompiled headers' solved the problem, but I can tell you that this took me quite some time to figure out. I hate the precompiled headers. :)

- Jacco.
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Postby Phantom » May 28, 2002 @ 3:03pm

Hm, very weird. The EasyCESample project keeps causing problems, even when added to a fresh workspace. I'll try to rebuild that project from scratch to see if that solves the problem.
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