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Deploy error

PostPosted: Oct 12, 2006 @ 7:25am
by Ryumaster

PostPosted: Oct 12, 2006 @ 7:15pm
by Sergio
Hi Ryumaster,
To make deployment easier, the Initial Application project is configured to copy the GledPlay.dll file in the same folder of your .exe file on the emulator, automatically when you run you program.
It seems that you have updated the paths, so linking is performed OK (Visual Studio can find the GledPlay.lib file) but you still need to configure your deployment setting.
Go to your project settings, Configuration Properties, Deployment. In the "Additional Files", you will find something like this:

GledPlay.dll|..\..\..\bin\VS2005 - PPC WM2005\|%CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES%\WM2005|0

That is:

File|origin folder|destination folder|register file (0 or 1)

You must change the origin folder, to the {GLEDPLAY INSTALL DIR}\bin\VS2005 - PPC WM2005.

Anyway, your exe file was successfully built. If you copy the dll file right next to it on your emulator, and you execute it, it will run OK.

Please, let me know if this solved the problem.

Thank you,
Sergio Fierens Bayo.

PostPosted: Oct 15, 2006 @ 12:08pm
by Ryumaster

PostPosted: Oct 15, 2006 @ 9:43pm
by Matias

PostPosted: Oct 16, 2006 @ 10:52am
by Ryumaster

PostPosted: Oct 16, 2006 @ 3:54pm
by Matias

PostPosted: Oct 19, 2006 @ 1:09pm
by Ryumaster

PostPosted: Oct 20, 2006 @ 2:08pm
by Matias

PostPosted: Oct 20, 2006 @ 5:01pm
by Ryumaster
Yeah, sure, this is beta testing and I understand it pretty clear. Your new and now deleted version of fixed relatives paths is working anyway, dont know about absolute paths, but if I'll use them I'll test them :) And thanx for explanation about where to put files.

PostPosted: Oct 21, 2006 @ 1:51pm
by Sergio
Hi Ryumaster,
We deleted that version because it still had some issues with the XP binaries. As I understand, you are working with the WM2005 project, so it didn't affect you.
Anyway, it may be better to download the new version now, where that issue is completely fixed (and documentation has been improved).
Also, I've published the explanation about where to put files in another thread, as it may be useful for other people too.

Thank you for all your feedback, we really appreciate it.
