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Another Bug?

Another Bug?

Postby Helios- » Feb 20, 2004 @ 2:21am

While Im playing in the game, while im dragging the power arrow to increase the power of my weapon and I drag it toward the clock, the menu button automatically opens and my stylus is "conviniently" right over the exit button and exits out of my match. This has happend tons of times. Please fix this problem. Im using 1.9b4

Postby hockeydude » Feb 20, 2004 @ 12:28pm

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Postby Helios » Feb 20, 2004 @ 10:56pm


Postby tomcool » Apr 30, 2004 @ 6:38am


Postby TheHelios » May 1, 2004 @ 12:14am

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Postby Jaybot » May 5, 2004 @ 9:51am

I'm sorry, these forums have been mostly dead lately, and I don't read them everyday anymore...

So... I don't understand the bug or problem.

"while im dragging the power arrow to increase the power of my weapon and I drag it toward the clock"

What clock?

As far as I'm aware there has never been a clock in Snails. And if you are referring to the clock in the PPC OS.. thats located on the very bottom right corner (unless you're playing left handed, but i imagine you're not) you're aiming straight down and to the bottom.. which isn't a common move.

But I'm going to estimate that you're actually referring to aiming with the arrow with a projectile weapon and then dragging your stylus all the way into the upper left corner over the MENU button. which then pulls down the menu (and pauses the game) and you freak out and lift up your stylus over the exit option... thus, exiting out of the match.

Now you say it is "conviniently [sic]" right over the exit button... which is impossible, without you dragging the stylus down after hitting the menu button.

This is not a bug with Snails. This is how the touchscreen on the PPC reacts to stylus input. If you don't want it to happen, pay more attention to where you are aiming... you never need to stretch off the screen that far to aim your weapon.

"Hopefully Snails2 will be better with less bugs and better SUPPORT."

What other bugs have you reported in this forum that havent been addressed already? Please list them and I will address them.

There will never be a Snails 2. No sequel for Snails. However, if you were referring to the update of Snails v 2.0 ; yes that has been released on Palm OS and does fix many small quirks within the program. The PPC version has been delayed due to other projects within Pdamill that have a higher priority than the minor update.
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