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Two Thumbs Up!

Two Thumbs Up!

Postby eminefes » Jan 29, 2002 @ 12:28am

After playing Snails since the first demo I decided to buy the full version and I must say that it is THE BEST ppc game that I have yet to play. Everything, from the graphics to the AI, is outstanding and very professionally done. I hope Snails is gonna sell well, 'cause you guys really deserve some money for your hard work. Great job! :D
Two cupcakes were in an oven. One turned to the other and said "Damn, it sure is hot in here" and the other one said "HOLY SHIT! A TALKING CUPCAKE!"
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Postby Rirath » Jan 29, 2002 @ 6:26am

Since Jornada 525 owners like myself are usually left out of all the greatest Pocket PC games, that makes it even more incredible to me. I love my collection of freeware games like Tetris, Minesweeper, and Yhatzee clones... but this is the first game I can actually feel confident about showing to friends. Finally, something that can be used to showcase the Jornada 525 to other gamers.

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Discuss this game based on the popular computer game "Worms".


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